
Pomáhame inovovať marketing & biznis

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Spájame skúsenosti potrebné pre rast



  • Biznisové stratégie
  • Stratégie vstupu na trh
  • Nastavenie rozpočtov
  • Nastavenie KPI & cieľov
  • Evaluácia tímu


  • Digitálna transformácia
  • Automatizácia marketingu
  • AI a Big data


  • Marketingové stratégie
  • Komunikačné plány
  • Analýza média mixu
  • Taktické kampane


  • Marketingové vzdelávanie
  • Osobný rast
  • Digitálny update

Pomáhame na viacerých úrovniach

Majitelia & manažment

Biznisové konzultácie
Biznis plány, návratnosť investícií a inovatívne stratégie.

Dlhodobé stratégie
Smerovanie firiem, inovácií, produktov, marketingu a komunikácie.

Pomáhame firmám adaptovať a predpovedať požiadavky trhu.

Marketing, sales a inovácie

Marketingové stratégie
Pomôžeme vám pripraviť a nastaviť marketingový plán pre váš rast.

Budovanie značky
Nastavenie značky podľa smerovania trhu a vašej biznisovej stratégie.

Inovačné workshopy
Spoločne nájdeme nové príležitosti pre rast vašich predajov a biznisu.

Vzdelávanie a coaching

Vzdelávanie a workshopy
Marketingový, brandový alebo digitálny tréning pre váš tím.

Coaching marketérov
Pomôžeme vašim marketingovým manažérov vyrásť vďaka osobnému vedeniu.

Náš tím

Martin Krajniak

Martin Krajniak

Head of Consulting

Martin miluje marketing v celej svojej kráse a šírke. Svojich 16 rokov skúseností a strategickú kreativitu využíva na neustále challengovanie všedných vecí,  prepájanie zdanlivo neprepojiteľného a jemné provokovanie diskusií na biznisovo šmrncnuté témy.

Jaro Zacko

Jaro Zacko

Creative Challenger & Co-Founder

Jaro je spoluzakladateľom TRIADu a ďalších úspešných firiem, marketingový a biznis konzultant s viac ako 20 rokmi skúseností. Pomáha klientom pýtať sa správne otázky a hľadať neočakávané odpovede, ktoré im prinesú biznisové výhody.

Michal Pobočík

Michal Pobočík

Financial analyst & Investment Manager

Michal je skúsený analytik a investičný manažér, ktorý pracoval pre medzinárodných klientov. Jeho analytické schopnosti pomáhajú našim klientom nastavovať biznis modely, ohodnotenia alebo viesť prieskumy trhu.

Naši poradcovia

Dan White

Dan White

Based in London, Dan is an experienced Brand consultant and author of The Smart Marketing  Book. He has contributed to the growth of many of the world’s most successful brands thanks to his 30 years of guiding companies in brand development and marketing activation. His main areas of expertise include Brand Strategy, Brand Equity Development, Creative Development, Media Strategy,  Workshopping and many more. He approaches tough challenges with enthusiasm, optimism and good humour and looks forward to helping you rise to yours.

Lucia Jaramillo

Lucia Jaramillo

Based in Colombia, Lucia is a purpose-driven problem solver passionate about innovation, sustainability and design. Using design and creativity as tools for uncovering insights, she translates human needs into compelling innovation opportunities that deliver sustainable business outcomes. Lucia loves psychology and behavioral science and continually deep dives into what drives people in making decisions.

Anirban Ganguly

Anirban Ganguly

Based in Malaysia, Anirban is a Innovation360 Licensed Innovation Management Black Belt™️ Practitioner focussed on designing customer experiences that fuel business growth, increase consumer demand, garner a greater share of wallet, and brand affinity that competitors envy. 20 years of diverse operational and leadership experience, across APAC, EMEA leading and coordinating local teams. As a leader with an obsessive focus on building customer/ brand value, he has both a macro and micro mindset which allows him to decide with speed and deliver reliably. Founder of Koios Consult, a boutique innovation strategy, business design and brand consulting firm that operates at the cusp innovation, technology and customer.

Nigel Hollis

Nigel Hollis

Based close to New York, Nigel’s understanding of how strong brands build revenue and profit is founded on 40 years experience as a consumer insight practitioner. He has worked with a wide variety of brands in many different categories and countries. Nigel is a widely published author, winner of the 2015 Berry AMA-Book Award for the Best Book in Marketing, and a four-times winner of WPP’s Atticus Award for original thinking in marketing services. Nigel focuses on brands, media and marketing communications, advertising effectiveness, effective brand building and activation.

Jesse Dienstag

Jesse Dienstag

Based in Chicago, Jesse is an experienced strategy leader, speaker, and Effie judge. He currently heads the U.S. strategy department for a Top 10 global PR agency. He has been lucky (and smart) enough to work in Ad agencies, PR agencies, and client-side, with inspiring Effie and Cannes Lion-winning teams, driving sales, creatively solving problems, and changing fixed behavior. He geeks out on all kinds of research and data. He has been distilling consumer culture for brands and weaving truths & insightful thinking into positioning, strategies and innovations for 20 years.

Lital Frankel

Lital Frankel

Based in Israel, Lital is CMO of the largest mobile app in her country. She lead global marketing operations, directed strategy and fostered innovation for top brands & companies. Has vast understanding in consumer behavior, big data, marketing research and product development. Proven track record of hands-on experience in building and managing complex international eCommerce platforms.

Tania Peres

Tania Peres

Based in Sydney, Tania is a senior marketer experienced in brand management, strategy development and business planning. With over 16 years working within the Entertainment industry, she is equal parts creative and analytical using data-driven insights to inform decision making whilst challenging the status quo to deliver new and exciting brand experiences. She is a passionate mentor and enjoys working on cross functional teams and collaborating with peers on projects.

“We asked Jaro to review our complex corporate brand strategy, and his questions and ideas navigated us towards making the right decisions.”

Pavel Baslík – Head of Marketing and PR at LUCRON

“Jaro asked us the right questions, we could not answer.”

Kenneth Ryan – Managing partner at KPMG

Sme súčasťou DevinBand

We can apply our strategies thanks to other members of the group.